A girl can never have enough handbags or purses. The best thing about our favorite accessory is that one bag can level up or change the look of any outfit, but we also can't fail to mention how much we love switching up our bags themselves for every occasion.
Need a large handbag to carry your work accessories or change of outfit? We've got that covered. Or maybe you just want a mid-size crossbody that fits your wallet and your extra "just in case" items. You can check that off your wishlist with Latico's bags too. And we of course can't forget small handbags that are perfect for just the essentials.
There's room for every size handbag in your closet, and what wardrobe is complete without a small, stylish handbag for girl's nights out? Because we know just how much effort goes into making sure you look good with your girls, we know you need a handbag that can keep up. And lucky for you, we've got quite the selection of chic, compact bags ready and durable enough to be your dance partner all night long.
Read on for a round up of our top picks for girl's nights out handbags that will have you texting the group chat to figure out your weekend plans.