You know what they say- good things come in small packages. At Latico, we've never been more sure of that.
While Latico Leathers started growing in popularity around New York in the 80's thanks to its high-quality, 100% leather bags, Latico extends far beyond just leather handbags. We are also proud to have handmade leather accessories, clutches, wristlets and more. Latico carries a wide array of beautifully- designed leather essentials, but we also combine the best of style and function. Many of our bags come with interior organizers, hidden pockets, and multiple features so you can always count on your bag to last throughout the years.
After three decades of working with leather, we've created heirloom-quality pieces that ripen with age. We hand-select each hide and use a unique blend of natural dyes so the natural character of each leather shines through. And those leathers are placed on our handbags as well as specialty items from credit card holders and paperweights to even wine holders. If you're worried about committing to the investment of a large leather handbag, start out small with another handcrafted, high-quality leather good that can help to upgrade your everyday.
So, check out some of the best selection of Latico's small, handcrafted leather goods that will be sure to be at the top of your wish lists this holiday season. Happy shopping!